A banner showing portrait paintings by Artist Rick Short including King Tutankhamun, a lady wearing a straw hat working in her garden and a woman with long auburn colored hair

Meet Rick Short Rick Short's resume of Art Shows and Awards Rick Short's Twitter page Rick Short's Facebook Page Contact me at Instagram

Portrait photographs of Rick Short painting in his studio

Welcome to my art gallery, Scenic Earth Studios. My creative journey began when I was around 9 years old learning to create with pencils, magic markers, water colors then gradually moving to oil and enamel paint where I painted on every kind of 2-Dimensional surface I could find from paper, canvas, wood to metal. I had an earnest desire to learn how to paint and quickly learned to use oil paints on canvas and Tester's enamel model paint to create paintings on paper and canvas, then learned to use pastels, spray paint and began to create paintings of the ocean, surfing and marine art, sunsets and western art that I still love creating today.

Growing up, my family never encouraged me to work on my art. If anything they did their best to keep me from it. So, I decided to take the math and science route that is often pushed in schools today and embarked on a career in Information Technology working for big companies such as Walt Disney World, Kemper National Insurance and Deloitte Consulting. However, It did not take me long to discover that having a background in art gave me an advantage as a UX Designer, Web Designer and eventual Subject Matter Expert in the field of Web Accessibility.

Artistic Style

My painting style can be described as a combination of realism, surrealism and Southwest Art. Some people have even described my work as folk art in style and format. I tend to focus on western / Southwest Art, Wildlife Art, Children's art, Seascapes and Bibllical Art as some of my favorite themes. Some of these themes cross over in quite a few of my paintings. As for mediums, I paint using Acrylics, Oils, Enamel, Ink as well as Digital Photography, 2D and 3D Software and wood working.

Artistic Influences

I never attended art school formally during college but received a double major in Information Systems and Marketing and have taken self taught art classes online. Growing up, I mostly learned how to paint by just practicing over time and learning by painting in watercolors, acrylics and then gradually, oils. Some of my favorite artists that influenced me to paint include Roger Dean, Norman Rockwell, Bob Ross and Hugh Syme.

Art Shows and Awards

Here is a listing of some of my Gallery exhibits, one man shows and awards that I have won in various exhibits over the years growing up in Virginia and Florida.

Products that I Create

Besides original fine art paintings on canvas and paper, I create digital artwork, 3D Art and items carved out of wood. Over the last 12 years, I have also created

Please visit my Zazzle store for these and other speciality items at https://www.zazzle.com/store/scenicearthstudios.